Patch Integration Engine
Date: November 20, 2005
Subject: PIE fifth alpha release

Another alpha release, but a large step in the right direction. This release includes the latest dissassembler from the Bastard project, libdisasm 0.21-pre2. This version appears to fix some siginificant bugs in previous releases. Bugs in pie itself are now better handled as well, with default signal handlers for segfaults and keyboard interrupts. Finally, a new function discovery method using a primitive (but effective) form of call graphing has been implemented to accompany the existing pattern matching.

These improvements allowed for two new prepatches to be developed, one for the wu-ftpd SITE EXEC format string vulnerability, and another for the recent snort BackOrifice preprocessor overflow.

Date: August 26, 2005
Subject: PIE fourth alpha release

Sure enough, my promise of a beta release is broken again, but n ot without good reason. I've added a really nice feature with this release in us er defined depth of pointer dereferencing in assertion functions, something that should go a long way to ensuring the usability of the libpie interface. Progres s on the beta is definitely being made. Proof of this can be seen in the new doc ument that I have just uploaded to the webserver, a full working example of PIE in action against the proftpd _xlate_ascii_write buffer overflow. Check it out i n the documentation section.

As this release is not considered stable it should NOT be used on a production server.

Date: August 17, 2005
Subject: PIE third alpha release

The third, and most likely final alpha release of the Patch Integration Engine has been released, version 0.4. The main change in this release is the introduction of support to remove prepatch data from a previously patched process. Support for editing multiple processes at one time has also been greatly improved, with a number of bugs being tracked down and obliterated. Since I now have all of the features that I wanted for a beta release, all that needs to be done is a complete update of all the documentation, and the development of as many example prepatches as possible. Stay tuned!

As this release is not considered stable it should NOT be used on a production server.

Date: May 01, 2005
Subject: PIE second alpha release

The second alpha release of the Patch Integration Engine has been made, version 0.3. It's been a long break between drinks, but this release is a sure sign that the beta release is on the horizon. The major change in this version has been the introduction of a new and much improved function fingerprinting system. Full documentation of the technical details will be up on the website shortly.

As this release is not considered stable it should NOT be used on a production server.

Date: Oct 17, 2004
Subject: PIE alpha release

The first release of the Patch Integration Engine has been made. The release version is 0.2 and is still considered to be in an alpha state. This is in contrast to a previous news item that stated that the first release would be a beta.

Holding back the beta release was due to a lack of general testing across multiple distributions, while the 0.2 version number was due to a significant bug being patched in the original 0.1 release.

As this release is not considered stable it should NOT be used on a production server.

Date: Aug 14, 2004
Subject: PIE approaches first release

The Patch Integration Engine is nearing its first beta release, version 0.1. The major features planned for this release have all been developed and are available on CVS. This means that only testing and documentation needs to be completed before the release can be made. Documentation will be included in the source tree and the official project website as soon as it is completed.

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